Sunday, September 27, 2009


For those of you who know me well enough, know I have quite a few tattoos and I want more. I recently met a new friend who is a tattoo artist. He just opened his own shop here in Topeka, I was his first official customer at his new shop. Since then he has been working on a couple custom pieces for me. He called me a few days ago to let me know that he had them drawn up and for me to come in to take a look at them. Just as I knew the would, they look great, exactly what I wanted. I plan on getting them done asap. Just need to figure out how to pay for them, tattoos are not cheap, even if you are friends with the artist. Heaven is thinking, great Matt is becoming friends with a tattoo artist, just what we need. She loves my tattoo, she aint fooling me. I look forward to showing the off as soon I get them done.

My first class

My first boxercise class went great. I had nothing but positive feedback from the ladies who were there. They are all regulers at the cardio kickboxing class, so I was really hoping they would all like my class. I think my class was a little harder on them than what they are used to, but thats a good thing, right? I want them to feel like they are getting their money worth. I didnt want the class to be to easy, but I also was worried about making it to hard and nobody wanting to come back. From the feedback, I think it was right where it needed to be. Sure there was some complaining, but I took most of it as joking. The ones who werent joking should probably go to a different class, because they arent really looking for a workout like they are going to get at our gym. I am doing another practice class on Tuesday night. It will mostly be the same group of women with some new faces, Im sure, then I will be starting my own class as soon as the new area is done at the gym. I cant wait, should be good times.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Tonight I will be teaching my first boxercise class. This is really just going to be a practice run for the new class we are starting. My buddy Mark who teaches a cardio kickboxing class at the same gym, United Martial Science and Conditioning, is letting me demo my program for his class tonight. I believe this boxercise class could really take off and be successful, I am a little nervous about it, but I am sure it will go just fine. Cross your fingers for me.


I had my second crossfit workout last night. This one was quite a bit easier than the first one. So far so good, I like the workouts. They are not very long, but they max you out in a short amount of time, my heart rate was through the roof. That will start to come down though once my cardio gets a little better. I can only see myself improving more and more from here. Cant wait for my next workout.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Getting ready to go do a 5k run up hillside. I have never done this course, but a friend said its pretty tough, I guess we will soon find out.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nur Die Starken Uberleben


I did my first crossfit workout last night. It was everything I thought it would be, hard. I loved it. I cant wait to go back and do it again. I am the kind of person who strives to always do better than the last time, thats what is going to keep me going back, my desire for improvement. I'm not trying to be the strongest, fastest, or toughest guy there, I just want to improve myself everytime I workout with these "beast" of men.