Sunday, September 27, 2009

My first class

My first boxercise class went great. I had nothing but positive feedback from the ladies who were there. They are all regulers at the cardio kickboxing class, so I was really hoping they would all like my class. I think my class was a little harder on them than what they are used to, but thats a good thing, right? I want them to feel like they are getting their money worth. I didnt want the class to be to easy, but I also was worried about making it to hard and nobody wanting to come back. From the feedback, I think it was right where it needed to be. Sure there was some complaining, but I took most of it as joking. The ones who werent joking should probably go to a different class, because they arent really looking for a workout like they are going to get at our gym. I am doing another practice class on Tuesday night. It will mostly be the same group of women with some new faces, Im sure, then I will be starting my own class as soon as the new area is done at the gym. I cant wait, should be good times.

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