Sunday, September 27, 2009


For those of you who know me well enough, know I have quite a few tattoos and I want more. I recently met a new friend who is a tattoo artist. He just opened his own shop here in Topeka, I was his first official customer at his new shop. Since then he has been working on a couple custom pieces for me. He called me a few days ago to let me know that he had them drawn up and for me to come in to take a look at them. Just as I knew the would, they look great, exactly what I wanted. I plan on getting them done asap. Just need to figure out how to pay for them, tattoos are not cheap, even if you are friends with the artist. Heaven is thinking, great Matt is becoming friends with a tattoo artist, just what we need. She loves my tattoo, she aint fooling me. I look forward to showing the off as soon I get them done.


  1. Fight Gone Bad Monday 5:00 The Shop

    you better be there (we ll have a trash can ready)

  2. That's awesome! I would imagine the one he drew up would be pretty pricy, too! I like to keep my regretable and cheap. Don't ask! ;) I don't think I paid over $40 for my crap two.

  3. Gockel - You're slacking!! Where's our post!! :)
